A healthy period is the first step to having a healthy, fertile cycle. During a period your uterus is cleaning itself out to prepare for implantation and pregnancy. Having a clean uterus allows for the embryo to secure itself to your womb and receive healthy nutrients.
Through your period the body is giving you important information, revealing how healthy and fertile your cycle is. You might experience blood clots or you have cramping pain, or your flow is really dark or really light. You might have periods only every two months or even more rarely, or your periods are very heavy or very light.
General guidelines about what a healthy period looks like cover six factors.
1. The frequency of your period
The ideal menstrual cycle is every 28 days, if everything is perfect. We are all different so some deviation from the ideal is normal, however your period should come only a few days less or more than this. If you’re getting your flow between 23 or 35 days regularly, it is regarded healthy. A short cycle means your follicular or your luteal phase is short or possibly both phases are short. This can be an indication that your hormones are out of balance. A long cycle is an indicator that ovulation is not occurring, or not in a regular manner. This can also be a potential sign of hormonal imbalance.
2. The length of your period
A healthy period starts with two to four days of solid flow without spotting beforehand, followed by a couple of days of lighter flow. The total length of the flow should be four to seven days, with no bleeding between periods.
3. The color of your flow
The color of the majority of your flow should be a healthy red, and towards the end it can be a little bit darker red or brownish. If your flow is mostly dark, purple or brown, that could be an indication that you need to improve circulation to your uterus.
4. The amount of flow
Your flow should be substantial enough to need to switch a tampon or a pad at least two or three times a day, but not so heavy that you need to switch in less than two hours. The substantial flow should last about two to four days followed by a lighter flow for another couple of days. A really light period that only lasts a day or two can be an indication of low progesterone levels, iron deficiency, or other health issues.
5. The texture of your flow
It should be thicker than water or blood without the presence of large clots or mucus. While it’s normal to have a few small pea-sized clots, lots of clots or clumps of tissue or mucus can indicate blood stagnation or insufficient blood supply to the uterus.
6. Severity of the signs
A healthy period should be pain free, with some mild discomfort in the lower abdomen. Severe pain should not accompany a healthy period, this might be caused by your hormones. It is best to avoid taking pain killers because medications can disrupt your hormones even more, and can also stop your flow so that your uterus is not cleaning out effectively.
It is vital to stay connected with your body and your menstrual cycle as it is a direct indicator of your overall health. A healthy period is one of the most important steps to getting pregnant, and it’s the foundation of your body being pregnancy-ready.
How can you achieve a healthy period?
With the Aviva Method you can work on establishing a healthy cycle. Practicing the sequence regularly improves blood flow to the lower abdomen. This increased amount of blood delivers more nutrients, oxygen, vitamins and hormones to the uterus and pelvic organs, stimulating local hormone production.
But hormones are not just produced in the ovaries, right? The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus produce vital hormones that contribute to our female health and fertility. With some of the Aviva movements you can stimulate the reflexology points of the pituitary gland impacting its operation.
The exercises not only boost arterial blood circulation in the genital zone but also the venous blood circulation and lymphatic circulation therefore the removal of toxins becomes more intense.
Experience shows that after a few months of Aviva practice for most women the quality of the menstrual flow noticeably improves. With specific exercises you can work on shortening or lengthening your cycle, getting rid of unpleasant PMS pain and discomfort, and even improve your mood. Thanks to the Aviva movements your menstrual cycle can become more regular and healthier in its colour, texture and amount. When your cycle improves your overall female health and fertility improves too.
It’s not enough to exercise though. The holistic approach of the Aviva Method highlights the importance of lifestyle choices, including diet, sleep, posture, and many more.
Sign up for the course to learn the method and start your journey to a healthier, happier you.