Promoting natural conception with Aviva Method

by Dec 7, 2022

Do you want to have a baby? And are you looking to find ways to promote natural conception or support medical treatments? Aviva Method can help you.

Experience shows that women who are trying to conceive but face is a hurdle often seek out the Aviva Method. Perhaps they have been actively trying for several months unsuccessfully, or their cycle is irregular, have a hormonal problem, experience lack of ovulation, suffer from PCOS, or their fallopian tube is blocked, or perhaps had multiple miscarriages, unexplained infertility, or are preparing for insemination or IVF.

If at least one of the above is true for you, or you simply want to get that baby on the way as soon as possible, the Aviva Method may be useful for you. In this blog, you can read about the 7 ways Aviva helps you conceive and stay pregnant. 

Let’s start with what is needed to get and stay pregnant. First of all, a healthy egg produced by the ovaries. Then open fallopian tubes so the egg can travel to meet a vibrant, healthy sperm. And fertile cervical mucus to support movement of the sperm. Once fertilization happened the embryo can embed in a healthy endometrium. Pregnancy can be maintained supported by a healthy womb and strong pelvic floor. This process can only take place in hormonal balance.

How can Aviva support you having your baby?

  1. Creates the best possible environment for your female organs
    Aviva Method teaches movements that stimulate abdominal blood flow. The result is doubled amount of blood flowing through the pelvic area. The higher volume of blood can deliver more nutrients, vitamins, hormones and oxygen your pelvic organs. At the same time, venous blood circulation is intensifying, as is detoxification in this area. This way you create an ideal environment for your ovaries to function and produce healthy eggs for natural conception.

  2. Helps harmonize the cycle
    With regular menstrual cycles it is easier to know when your fertile days are, giving you the highest chance to conceive naturally. Therefore when trying to have a baby harmonizing your cycle can be a good place to start. Based on past experience practicing the Aviva Method can bring irregular cycles to a more regular pattern in about 3-6 months. Regular practice supports hormone harmony and regular periods with ovulation.

  3. Stimulates ovulation
    The hormonal balancing effect of Aviva contributes to regular ovulation. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland sends FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to the ovaries. FSH causes the follicles to grow and produce estrogen. When estrogen reaches its maximum secretion, meaning that the follicles are mature, the pituitary gland begins to send LH (luteinizing hormone) to the ovaries. LH surge causes the dominant follicle to rupture, triggering ovulation and stimulates the development of the corpus luteum. In the second half of the cycle the corpus luteum produces progesterone that prepares the endometrium to receive and nourish a fertilized egg. Aviva promotes this dynamic hormonal balance throughout the female cycle, and thus successful ovulation and natural conception.

  4. Helps to unblock fallopian tubes
    When a mature egg travels to the uterus it meets the sperm in the fallopian tube. This is where fertilization happens. The inner surface of the fallopian tube is lined by cilia. They play an essential role in the upward flow of the sperm and then the downward flow of the fertilised egg to the uterus in natural conception. Therefore the health of the fallopian tubes is essential for successful conception. The deep stretches and twists in the Aviva Method help to dissolve blockages in the fallopian tube.

  5. Stimulates the production of fertile cervical mucus
    Cervical mucus is ​​a fluid produced by and released from the cervix. Hormones cause it to change in texture, color and volume throughout your cycle. Before ovulation, cervical mucus helps sperm travel through thecervix, uterus and fallopian tubes to the egg. It also protects the sperm and keeps it alive for up to five days. The peak in estrogen hormone prior to ovulation causes the production of fertile cervical mucus. The hormonal balancing effect of the Aviva exercises helps with this process.

  6. Promotes implantation and maintaining pregnancy
    Implantation occurs when a fertilized egg travels down the uterine tube to implant in the uterus. It takes around six to ten days for the fertilized egg to embed in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. The development of the endometrium begins in the first phase of the menstrual cycle due to the high levels of estrogen. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle its structure rearranges to promote implantation, stimulated by progesterone. The hormonal changes supported by Aviva help the development of a healthy and hospitable endometrium.
    After implantation, the endometrium continues to grow thanks to elevated levels of progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum left after the release of the egg. Therefore, it is important that a strong corpus luteum is present, as it releases progesterone up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Aviva Method doesn’t only support ovulation but also impacts the quality of the corpus luteum and early pregnancy.

  7. Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles
    The Aviva exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the lower abdomen and the glutes. It’s beneficial to have toned pelvic floor muscles when you prepare to have a baby as they work harder than normal during pregnancy, supporting the weight of the growing baby. When your body is toned, you are better prepared for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.

You can learn the Aviva Method in a four-hour course, in which you will learn all 18 exercises of the Simple Method and begin your journey of self-healing. Once you have attended the course, you can practice the exercises alone, or you can join our group classes. You can find the dates and times of upcoming courses and classes on this website. 

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