by Zita Saunders | Oct 19, 2022 | Aviva Method
October is World Menopause Month with 18 October marking World Menopause Day. There are events throughout the month to raise awareness of menopause and to support options to improve menopause health and well-being for middle-age women and beyond. What is menopause?...
by Zita Saunders | Oct 8, 2022 | Aviva Method
The lymphatic system of your body is like the sewage system of a city. Thanks to the lymphatic system, your body gets rid of harmful substances that are produced inside the body, and those that enter from outside. The lymphatic system is made up of lymph vessels, in...
by Zita Saunders | Sep 12, 2022 | Aviva Method
World PCOS Day was on 1 September, and this month is dedicated to promote PCOS awareness and support the millions of people impacted by this disease. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is currently the most common cause of infertility, affecting over 10% of women. It...
by Zita Saunders | Jul 24, 2022 | Aviva Method
In order for our body to function well, we need to exercise. Without exercising enough, our muscles wither, our circulation and digestion slow down, and our posture worsens. Physical exercise and health go hand in hand. Who wouldn’t want healthy looking skin,...
by Zita Saunders | Jun 29, 2022 | Aviva Method
A healthy period is the first step to having a healthy, fertile cycle. During a period your uterus is cleaning itself out to prepare for implantation and pregnancy. Having a clean uterus allows for the embryo to secure itself to your womb and receive healthy...